Woman's hand typing on a laptop computer
Art studio with pictures on the wall

Custom squarespace websites designed for creatives and small businesses

Are you a creative or small business in need of a website? Or do you have a website that needs some work?

Small businesses and creative pursuits require all of your attention and energy. As a fellow small business owner, I get it. Many of my clients have told me they need a website and don’t know where to start. This is where I can help. I will work closely with you one-on-one to get a clear picture of what you want your website to do for you and how you want your brand or aesthetic to be presented. I am based in Saratoga Springs, NY but will also be happy to work with you virtually. I use Squarespace exclusively as I think this platform is the easiest to edit, and I will work with you to teach you how to maintain your own site.

I also offer VIP days, which are for those who have a list of changes or updates they’d like to make on their Squarespace site and don’t have the time or who’d rather have someone take care of this for them.

My goal is to make you a website that reflects your special brand or creative vision and that enhances your online presence.

Kind Words


  • computer on a desk with a cup and glass with flowers


    A custom, branded five page website


    Custom website with a shop to sell services or products


    A half or full day devoted to you exclusively for changes, updates, template customization or whatever edits you would like


Pathways of Connection


Sit N’ Stay Saratoga